
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Virgin Islands British

Today, I saw a picture of my creepy uncle and me on Facebook, which he had captioned "Me and my woman," and posted several lewd comments on. I guess he forgot I'm his friend on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 140
You deserved it 2 519

Top comments

brittk23 0

Everyone has that ONE creepy uncle right?


First of all, I'm pretty sure incest is illegal everywhere (and by the way, that's downright creepy). Second of all, if he freaks you out (which how can he not?), why is he your friend on Facebook? Delete him and I bet he won't even notice.

Take a screen shot, then blackmail him. Get a free ride from it, and when you get called out on it, use the 'i was traumatised' card - you cant lose!!!

iheartprinceroyc 4
KimmieKat 0

Omg... Tell your parents that uncle of yours needs to stay away...

You should reply on it saying, "Oh? So you think your niece is your woman? You sick old man. No wonder you can't get a girlfriend."

I wouldn't defriend him. You could gather more evidence in case anything happens in the future.