
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Virgin Islands British

Today, I saw a picture of my creepy uncle and me on Facebook, which he had captioned "Me and my woman," and posted several lewd comments on. I guess he forgot I'm his friend on Facebook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 139
You deserved it 2 519

Top comments

brittk23 0

Everyone has that ONE creepy uncle right?


Think of it like least someone wants you.

I'm sorry, but your picture scares the shit out of me. *hides under the bed*

Don't hide under the ******* bed! That's where clowns hide!

perdix 29

He didn't "forget" that you could see those comments -- he's thinking you would mind making them come true ;) Before you get all wound in a twist, did you consider what's in it for you?

Aw, 37, don't get your knickers in a knot. Perdix has his ups and downs too.

The more I read your comments the more I question you intelligence level.

66 - At least there's no question to your sense of humor. Besides, the uncle has half a shot of not being related to op.

perdix 29

#66, you doubt my intelligence, but you don't know what motivates my comments. I don't sincerely support the creepy uncle, but I wanted to get a reaction from the crowd. Looks like I'm a genius, don't you agree?

I say tell your dad. Problem solved. Mine would beat his asssssssssss.

Birdie_Sage 0

Don't flatter yourself. You are a woman, no?

musicluvr2000 11

I think you just found out why he is creepy

No. He did not forget. Have fun at the next family get together.

What a caring uncle (: no but really I wouldnt take any more pictures with him..

I sincerely hope no one liked this picture.

I would've done this: Step 1: Comment on the photo saying "Uncle (blank), I ask that you not call me your lady, because I am your niece. You ******* perverted creep. I am screen capturing this, by the way, and telling the cops, as well as my parents. Step 2: Report to cops with the screen capture, as well as your parents. Step 3: Never speak to the ******* perverted creep ever again!