Creeped out

By shawty - 22/08/2010 12:14 - Australia

Today, I heard my mother and father having sexual intercourse, and I found out that my mother moans the same way as my girlfriend. Guess who I now think about every time my girlfriend moans? FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 178
You deserved it 6 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

herbasaur 0

maybe it was your girlfriend O.o


Maybe his dad was banging his girlfriend.. oh snap!

Oedipus complex, anyone? Somewhere beyond the grave, Freud is celebrating another victory.

well, maybe it wasn't your mom groaning..

chacha101908 0

Reminds me of the old song "I want a girl just like the girl that married dear old dad!"

TheJimAubrey 0

Quite frankly, YDI so damn bad, just because you refer to 'making love' as "sexual intercourse." And for living in Queensland, and having bigger problems other than not being able to drink your Australian 396-proof beer.

look at it this way, at least you wont have premature ejaculation. Haha!