
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Raleigh

Today, I caught a coworker at my new job staring at my chest. Trying not to rock the boat, I took him aside and asked him to stop. He insisted he was just trying to read my shirt. Our company uniforms don't have writing on them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 866
You deserved it 3 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually a lot of girls get breast reductions because incredibly large breasts can hurt the back.

Maybe he was reading the fine print!


ant1ion 12

Not only that, if it's a company uniform shouldn't he have the same shirt that he can read?

Glancing is ok but starting is rude. The man needs some self control.

perdix 29

Maybe he was trying to see if you were smuggling office supplies in your bra. My interest in this story goes as follows: Pencils - not interested ...

perdix 29

Write this on each tit of your uniform top: "One sexual harassment allegation will probably cost you your job."

I like #22's idea, " hi, I wasn't always known as beatrice, my friends used to call me barry...

Tell your boss you need a uniform that is less inviting.

Yes, it must be what the woman was wearing that made the man act that way. It couldn't possibly be that the man chose to behave that way all by himself, and is therefore entirely responsible for his own actions. It just can't be.

Ask him if he read the word 'harassment' on your shirt?

Rocky007 15

Men are biologically programmed to look. No harm in that.

U must have nice ****! Gotta see them

Why doesn't he just type 'bobbies' in Google, save picture, and display on desktop. Screensaver should be disabled until he learns to be professional at a workplace!