
By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States - Raleigh

Today, I caught a coworker at my new job staring at my chest. Trying not to rock the boat, I took him aside and asked him to stop. He insisted he was just trying to read my shirt. Our company uniforms don't have writing on them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 866
You deserved it 3 098

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Actually a lot of girls get breast reductions because incredibly large breasts can hurt the back.

Maybe he was reading the fine print!


taking someone to the side and mentioning that is aggressive no matter how nice the tone that was kinda snitch move. if you are uncomfortable with it ware something to cover your Cleavage up. otherwise you have to get used to it I wouldn't ware a speedo and expect noone to look at my package

I wish people at work would stare at MY chest... Selfish...

Maybe reading the name tag of the new coworker ¥_¥ idk just a though

That's probably why he had to stare for so long...

papabear88 6

damn invisible ink! only the chosen ones can see it!

He should of instead insisted that he was trying to telepathically warm you the apparent stain on your shirt.

According to the comments I see, the valid course of action for men, is to disregard females, acquire currency. If we look, but, don't get caught, we're being creepers. If we get caught we are bring perverts. If we don't even glance we are being homosexual. Catch 22 much?