Creative new ways to be a shitgibbon

By fries - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Brooklyn

Today, my boyfriend announced to me he was sleeping with another girl via alphabet soup. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 068
You deserved it 3 911

Top comments

Well that's a creative way to get the message across...

XlDeathshadowXl 13

I hope you left him a good note saying he's single in alphabet soup too. Sorry op :(


Sophie_Hart 9

How did he even get enough letters?

RedPillSucks 31

Слежка полкам молвит воспользоваться водам?

I rather hope you stuck the letters where the sun doesn't shine OP.

i hope you told him how you felt via fist to face.

conqueror57 11

How do you have sex by way of soup??

You do know that just because his alphabet soup had the letters 'Jo', it doesn't mean he was confessing to having had an affair with someone by that name, right?

Epikouros 31

You're right, Jo could have been short for John in Oz.

RedPillSucks 31

Yes, but he used no punctuation.