By daughter of a gullible cunt - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - Australia

Today, as per usual, my mother went to see her psychic, who told her that one of her children is harbouring a "dark secret". Now we're all grounded until one of us confesses our obviously non-existent secret. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 291
You deserved it 2 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lenamartinovic 13

How do you know your sister hasn't been traveling with the Doctor while you're sleeping?


sgtcxelite 11

How do you know they aren't hiding something? Not saying the psychic bitch is right, but still. Maybe one of your siblings is pregnant, got someone pregnant, failing a class, maybe depressed, etc. You never know.

So you would ground your kids on the basis that there is a possibility one of them is keeping a secret from you. I would be very upset if i was your child...

Derpylicious 3

I am assuming you are underage if you can still be grounded, so find whatever the equivalent of child protective services is where you live and let them know what your mother is doing to you.

bladomas 2

all psychics are useless. One big fraud

Bribe the psychic to say something advantageous. Try something like "Your should let your children grow up by allowing them to host a party" or "Your daughter needs a car to practice good driving habits"

my mum used to do that. a psychic told her one of her daughter's was pregnant. she went psycho on me and sisters for months. none of us were pregnant. they're all money-grabbing shams.

Just make up a dark secret like say i once soaked the cat in water when i was 8 or something like that

One of your siblings has to have a dark secret.

Some people just aren't made to be good parents

easy fix, you could've made up something bad, but not very bad, so that you don't get in trouble.

TomeDr 24

One of you confess and then pull out a bag of dark chocolates. Say you’ll never hide them again.