Clever boy

By NewlyChildaphobic - 17/11/2009 14:50 - Ireland

Today, I was minding a 6-year old boy. He begged me to take him somewhere. I rang his mum, and she said I could. He picked to go to McDonald's. He ordered chicken. After his meal, he told me he was vegetarian, and wanted to try some meat while his mum wasn't around. I got the blame. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 197
You deserved it 4 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did his mom *choose* for him to be veggie? In that case, good on you for showing him the amazingness that is chicken, even if it IS from McDonalds. Make him a bacon sandwich next time you have to babysit the ******.

Bob31_fml 4

gotta love the "vegetarian by force" approach. Clearly the kid isn't doing it by choice.


Kids at that age shouldn't be vegetarian. I am a vegetarian and have been for 9 years, I'm clearly in favor of it in general. But between how picky kids can be, and the huge amounts of protein they need while growing, it's just not healthy.

Vegetarians DO NOT eat chicken. anyone who does and calls themselves a vegetarian is full of shit

Hlessirah 3

Honestly, it is completely possible, and, according to some studies, beneficial to raise a child with a vegetarian diet. And all of you people saying the mother is "imposing her beliefs" on her child...that is simply rediculous. Like it or not, parents have the right to raise their children as they see fit, as long as the child is not harmed in the process. You wouldn't criticize a christian parent for "imposing" religion on a child who would rather play than go to church. The same rules apply here. When the child is older, he may choose otherwise. While I feel bad for you that the kid lied to you just to break the rules, I still say YDI. When calling the mom, you should specify exactly where you will go if you're leaving the house. Yes, she should have told you, but now you know that next time, maybe having a checklist of things to ask would help... Emergency numbers, bedtime, allergies, dietary restrictions... They're all important to know.

Did you just compared vegetarism to religion? lol

If I ever, in the future, find myself needing a babysitter for some reason, I'd like for it to be you!

his mom would deny him meat? what a stupid sadistic bitch. isn't it a persons choice

babylon_pride 0

If no one told you, it isn't your fault. I mean, great, you're making your kid a vegetarian. It is a better way of life in some aspects. But if you can't warn someone that your kid is one, and let them watch them, and expect the six year old to /tell/ you... Not your fault.

GreenDaemon21 0

hes not really vegetarian if he chose to eat meat hes just forced by his mum to eat vegan

mirage24_fml 0

As a vegetarian, I can honestly say, It's not the end of the world. It's not a big deal.

I really hate people who force their views on others; that includes parents making their kids be vegetarians. At least let them make up their own mind about it! And to whoever compared it to religion, I wouldn't impose my religion on my kid either. Let them make up their mind about THAT too, since they're all important issues but very PERSONAL issues.

Babysitter failed. Should've at least called to let mom know where they decided to go.

McDonalds does have salads - even if the mom knew where they were going, she might have assumed her son would order something without meat. Now you know why you should always find out kids' special needs, diets, etc while the parents are present, ie when you arrive, at the latest.