Clever boy

By NewlyChildaphobic - 17/11/2009 14:50 - Ireland

Today, I was minding a 6-year old boy. He begged me to take him somewhere. I rang his mum, and she said I could. He picked to go to McDonald's. He ordered chicken. After his meal, he told me he was vegetarian, and wanted to try some meat while his mum wasn't around. I got the blame. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 197
You deserved it 4 391

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Did his mom *choose* for him to be veggie? In that case, good on you for showing him the amazingness that is chicken, even if it IS from McDonalds. Make him a bacon sandwich next time you have to babysit the ******.

Bob31_fml 4

gotta love the "vegetarian by force" approach. Clearly the kid isn't doing it by choice.


Well, at least you won't be asked to look after the little bugger again.

midnightbreeze 0

These comments don't make much sense. The boy is six years old. That's too young to make major desicions for himself, such as what religion he is and his diet. There is nothing wrong with him being raised as a vegetarian, as long as he still gets eggs and milk in his diet for protien and such. The fact that he wanted to eat chicken nuggets doesn't mean that he is craving meat either. Children often want to disobey and sneak around their parents, taking cookies when they aren't supposed to and what not. That has nothing to do with wanting meat. You can't miss what you've never had, so he obviously isn't feeling a "need" for meat. Food is there to keep you alive, not to satisfy picky taste buds. I agree that it is important for food to taste good though. Scienctific studies have proven that vegetarians have better immune systems, which is very beneficial for a child. Also, since meat is filled with fillers and antibiotics, a vegetarian diet is much better for small bodies that are more easily harmed by chemicals. I think the mother is perfectly justified in raising her child as a vegetarian, but she was an idiot to not explain to the OP about her child's diet.

Agreed. Just like if you tell your kid not to eat boogers, they're going to want to try them. Curiosity. It's not like he's being deprived.

It's not right to deprive him of a health lifestyle

Preparing only vegetarian foods and forcing vegetarianism are very different things. The mother has decided that her child is a vegetarian, and not allowing him to eat meat at all.

You don't know that. He just said he is vegetarian. Maybe he would get in trouble with his mom, or maybe he was perceiving it wrong and THOUGHT meat was bad and off-limits, though it wasn't.

Dammit, OP. You should've made him some milk steak, boiled over hard, with a side of raw jelly beans! Cover your knees up if you're gonna be walking around everywhere.

xx_irish_rose_xx 0

Not your fault, if it was so important the mom should have told you about it.

oh no somebody blamed you for something Get over it.

dspadres 0

I really hate people who try to impose their beliefs and habits onto other people, especially in the case of a child who isn't in a position to fight back. I have nothing against vegetarians; I'm sure they're much healthier than I am but forcing you child to follow in your footsteps and rob him of choice is messed up.

Stupid Parents The mother should let him decide for himself when he's old enough to fully know what the benefits and consequences are, and why he's doing it. He obviously doesn't enjoy being a vegetarian so they shouldn't force it on him. Parents these days... Your child is not going to be healthy and build strong bones eating broccoli

Just because he was curious does not mean that he doesn't enjoy being a vegetarian. :S And by the way, Broccoli DOES help build strong bones! It's a good source of Calcium. It's also a good source of fibre!

ZeroCharisma 0

The human body absorbs a better percentage of calcium from broccoli and leafy greens than it does from milk.

To everyone saying that the parents were right: You're all a bunch of god damn idiots. You really shouldn't force a less healthy diet on your children. You shouldn't even force ANY kind of diet on your children. I have nothing against vegetarians if they think their diet healthy: But if you go "meat is murder" and force it on everyone around you you're an idiot. Yeah, being a vegetarian is less healthy than eating both meat and vegetables.

"You shouldn't even force ANY kind of diet on your children." Nice logic. Because, ya know, six year old kids are totally capable of planning balanced meals on daily and weekly terms. And every parent who says "Eat all your vegetables!" or "No you can't have cookies before dinner" are automatically bad parents. Genius.

Just because he's curious about what meat tastes like doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy being a vegetarian. Wow.