Channelling GG Allin

By dudeyouarefired - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff

Today, the highly intoxicated singer of my band decided it would be a wonderful idea to squat down and take a shit on stage in the middle of a gig. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 474
You deserved it 4 849

Top comments

guemarez 9

Nothing says "ROCK & ROLL" like a big steamy pile of number two!!!

perdix 29

"Middle of the gig?" I think that's the end of the gig . . . and the career.


I wonder if after he sobered up, he remembered anything or had to be told about the shit he created...

He's just following the beautiful work of GG Allin

Look at it this way, people who were there won't soon forget your band

zombieinahearse 3

Been listening to too much gg allin?

btx2 9
1dvs_bstd 41

Guys guys there's nothing funny about seeing your leadsinger pull down his pants... m'kay, maybe use his hands to separate his buttcheeks on the stage... and squeeze out a chocolate hot dog... m'kay? Let me assure you, there is nothing funny... about going up to a nice, clean, unsuspectin' stage and letting out a fudge dragon for all the fans to see!

So is that the new band logo? a massive pile of shit? Very grunge Kurt would be proud it's a metaphor for ******** on "the man" before "the man" ***** on you! ...Now who had to clean it up? Cause they got the shit end of the stick.