Caught in the act

By urmommmm - 22/08/2009 16:25 - United States

Today, it was my birthday. My parents came into my room at 12:01 to surprise me. Do you know what fifteen year-olds do at midnight? FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 332
You deserved it 25 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tyhillman 0

Ha at least it was dark, either way sucks for you


MoMoJones 0

165 FOR THE WIN!.....lock the door but parents could not interupt him while he's batin

If you don't have a lock, YDI for not doing it under your covers like a normal person, you could have passed it on as something else, depending on how good you are at covering these things up. Also, jerking off (that's what you're talking about, then?) right before you go to sleep is lame, I don't know how you manage to fall asleep afterwards, personally it sucks all the tiredness out of me even after I finish...

Jessaly_fml 0

I forgot the secret rule that all fifteen year olds must ********** at exactly 12 AM.

visage 0

Yeah, when I was 15 I was screwing my girl down on the beach. Sure, on the lonely days I beat my dick like it owed me money... in the shower. Hell of a lot cleaner and safer!

thanks Turdmonkey, I'm never gonna be able to eat yogurt ever again x_x

lifeislife_fml 0

FYL. You were sleeping and then your parents woke you up in the middle of the night! How inconsiderate. Jk, I know what it's about. That sucks for you. But...happy birthday!


wait so you want him to.. **** IN MY PANTS!!

wrestling49 0

its alright i jack off at midnight also, to the beautiful women on :)