Caught in the act

By urmommmm - 22/08/2009 16:25 - United States

Today, it was my birthday. My parents came into my room at 12:01 to surprise me. Do you know what fifteen year-olds do at midnight? FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 332
You deserved it 25 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tyhillman 0

Ha at least it was dark, either way sucks for you


u should try and get laid if not get a pocket pussy

for everyone stupid enough to not know what he's talking about, he's wacking off

I play Call Of Duty 4 or 5 every midnight.. lol I don't think that's an fml.. but I get wat ur saying.. sucks for u

I don't jack off in my room I do it in the toilet. I'm 15. and I got caught cuz i didnt lock the door one time. FML

nice. either masturbating or having sex. wonderful.

Newtrier 0

haha #2 u idiot he wacking off dumbass. lol this one reminds me off myself being a 15 year old boy hu jacks off at 12

nanoflacka 0


hahaha #167! 'everyone was surprised this time' lol haha!