Caught in the act

By urmommmm - 22/08/2009 16:25 - United States

Today, it was my birthday. My parents came into my room at 12:01 to surprise me. Do you know what fifteen year-olds do at midnight? FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 331
You deserved it 25 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tyhillman 0

Ha at least it was dark, either way sucks for you


Vilen1025 0

I understand that you have urges... but at midnight? I mean, really?

echarperouge 0
meowcat121 0

OMG. im so sorry this happened to you, but i fell off my chair laughing. i hope your parents didnt make a big deal!

What do they do, besides complain on FML?

No...what do 15 year olds do at 12:01...???...lmao

So THATS why Cinderella always rushed home at midnight!

HugBunny 0

LMAO #231 epic comment. leave it up to your imagination to figure out cinderella did after midnight

myflyinghamster 0

I'm 37 and do the same thing at midnight. Some things don't change. Happy B-day!

jbeene99 0

I love it when the other guys in here say they don't **********. What a bunch of liars! 90% of males ********** and the other 10% lie about it!

Diogen 0

LOL classic! It sucks that your parents don't realize that you might want some privacy, but somehow I think it will never be a problem again. Happy bday!