Caturday surprise !

By baxeh - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Sweden - Stockholm

Today, my cat pissed all over my work clothes. They weren't even on the floor, she knocked the hanger down just so she could use them as a toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 076
You deserved it 5 057


middlenamefrank 8

Even kitty knows it's time you WASHED those things!

martin8337 35

You got yourself an asshole kitty.

Cats don't urinate on unwanted places to annoy you... If you clean its litterbox regularly (remember, cats have a stronger sense of smell than you), make sure it's easily accessible & placed in a 'private' space and your cat hasn't done this before you might want to call your vet because there might be something wrong with your cat's health. Your cat peeing on your clothes might be a sign that it's not feeling well (urinary problems, stress). Good luck on getting rid of the cat urine by the way, it's a bitch to take away the awful smell.

savanna123h 15
squideth 18
DarthBangye 15

A foster cat did that to me once... It was potty trained to...

Sounds to me like you aren't cleaning her litter box enough.

shagy_91 8

the reason for that is the cat couldn't find the way out or you don't have a soil container