Caturday surprise !

By baxeh - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - Sweden - Stockholm

Today, my cat pissed all over my work clothes. They weren't even on the floor, she knocked the hanger down just so she could use them as a toilet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 076
You deserved it 5 057


YDI cause you have a cat......cats are evil

you deserve That because. you have cat

that's cute in a different way (yes it is!). The cat accepts you as the boss.

BriannaMGK 15

Then it's probably time to clean the litter box. Cats are picky and won't use it if it's not clean enough.

is she fixed? If not please get her fixed . This could be the reason why she did that. . Trust and believe lol I have 5 cats .

mookiemookie01 24

Sometimes, they just like to troll you.

it's a cat, I don't knownwhat you were expecting. Cats are A holes

Whelp I guess it's true. Cats are assholes