Bunch of cons

By sauce - 24/09/2010 06:33 - United States

Today, after months of looking, my fiancé and I finally signed a lease. We are using my savings to pay for it. This apparently poses a "moral dilemma" for my in-laws, who think we should wait to be married. I'm paying for an apartment I'm not allowed to live in. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 593
You deserved it 6 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

wow ur stupid! why aren't you living there?!? kick him out, you move in, problem solved. quit being a doormat

BoyFromTheFuture 0

Op didn't say anything about religion. he said "moral dilemma". Unless you believe that religious people are the only ones with morals and therefore moral dilemmas. cover up, your prejudice is showing.


birds_fml 7

First I clicked FYL, but then I realized it's really YDI. They don't rule your life. You're not a child, you can do what you want. Move in to YOUR apartment!

um... not allowed to live in??? Since when do your in-laws have control over you? If you & your fiance are old enough to sign a lease for an apartment I think the two of you need to start making some decisions on your own. Otherwise maybe you need to rethink the idea of getting married.

You are an adult. Grow a pair (testicles or ovaries) and stop living for someone elses ideals.

Eff that! If you're paying than you should be living there. Tell your fiance to live with their parents until the wedding.

you might want to learn to work through the issues before you sign the next contract. expensive lesson.

Your money, YOUR home. If you can manage to find nice words to explain this to your in-laws. fine - if not, fine just as well: THEY started this nonsense. But any way, be sure to put this straight, or you might regret it for the rest of your life.

You might consider that if your fiance cares so damn much about what her parents say, she's not worth it. Just flip them off and move in together.

It's your relationship not theirs. They can't stop y'all from living together, especially you. You're not their kid.

Maybe you haven't been together long enough. they might be looking out for you. Even if you're in the wrong though, it's your life to mess up as you wish.