
By ninjawhat1337 - 25/05/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I told my dad that I was going to sleep over my friend's house this weekend with a few other guys to play Dungeons and Dragons. He responded with, "Oh, back in my day, me and my pals used to pick on the kids who played Dungeons and Dragons." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 678
You deserved it 57 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dad was a douche as a kid. And clearly sees nothing wrong with it. But as long as he doesn't pick on you now, that's not really an FML.

Well, we all know the type of guy your old man is. Still, D&D is one of the more wholesome hobbies available to the young generation, enjoy yourself :D


#9 - I know! The FMLs that are making it now suck.

Night22_fml 4

Listen to "Nerd Alert" by The Aquabats it's our nerdy song brother! LVL 99 BLACK MAGE FTW!!!!!!!!!!

YDI for being a friggin loser. Grow up and stop playing pretend.

there is nothing cool nor acceptable about sitting in your mom's kitchen/basement pretending to be a ******* hobbit. get a real hobby, get out and meet some girls. you'll thank me later.

wowihatemylife 1

damn dude...i beat the crap out of a kid that plays that stupid thing

ShowerFlirt 0

My husband and his brothers and friends have been playing d&d since highschool. There was 1 (of approx. 20) that was a little emo. The rest were in sports and other clubs in addition to that one hobby. ALL of them have great jobs, beautiful families, and don't walk around wearing wizard robes. I'm sorry, but if hanging out with a group of amazing friends, embracing your sense of self, and expanding your mind is made fun of, what is it that we are accepting as "cool"? Having lots of friends who don't really even care about you, forgetting weeks at a time, and working a dead-end job because it wasn't "cool" for you to be who you really were? F that, I'd rather get made fun of... I don't think this is an fml. I think it is great that you have found a hobby that you enjoy and I also think that what your dad said was more of a reflection on his past, and it is pretty great he can share that with you (hopefully, without you getting too defensive...)

Why do the people who were losers in High School always take offence on this website. I would have no problem if someone on this website made fun of people who got drunk and partied all the time in school.

#109 stop being so mature. We're on a site where we rate how much people's lives suck. We wanna read comments that are inflammatory and profane.

ShowerFlirt 0

#111, fair enough :), I will try to remember for next time :)

Maybe respond something akin to "Oh yeah, do you think your boss still remembers that?"