
By ninjawhat1337 - 25/05/2009 04:14 - United States

Today, I told my dad that I was going to sleep over my friend's house this weekend with a few other guys to play Dungeons and Dragons. He responded with, "Oh, back in my day, me and my pals used to pick on the kids who played Dungeons and Dragons." FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 678
You deserved it 57 239

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You dad was a douche as a kid. And clearly sees nothing wrong with it. But as long as he doesn't pick on you now, that's not really an FML.

Well, we all know the type of guy your old man is. Still, D&D is one of the more wholesome hobbies available to the young generation, enjoy yourself :D


hahahahahahahaha!!! dad ftw ! xd dungeons and dragons? NERD :P r u like that guy from Role Models who runs around with a wooden sword and a cape? XD

Your Dad was probably kidding anyway. And if you want to play it, go ahead. Personally I think it's a pretty awful game and you'd do better to go out with your friends to see a film or something, but that's my own opinion.

D&D rocks, I'm playing tonight. If your Dad had nothing better to do than pick on RPers FYDL.

l33tm0nk3y 0

Dude, don't worry about it. Your dad was a douche when he was younger. So what? Nothing wrong with playing some D&D.

empty_space 0

i love D&D your dad was just too insecure to release his inner nerd. lol.

"Dungeons and Dragons"..... "Sleep over with a bunch of other guys" ......YDI

AclaudeR 0

But you guys were really gunna sneak out and party right?..............Right?

From reading the comments on this FML... now I know that the community here that keeps FML going is a mostly nerd based community.

AclaudeR 0

What your dad should have said is "well, at least I don't have to worry about you getting some girl pregnant."