
By Anonymous - 26/01/2012 03:54 - United States

Today, my friend showed me a creepy piece of artwork he'd drawn. I laughed and said that it would give me nightmares, meaning it as a compliment. Turns out, this one was in honor of his dead grandmother, who'd raised him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 748
You deserved it 10 438

Same thing different taste

Top comments

'you know it's opposite day' always works!

Creepy is creepy, regardless of how noble the purpose is. Don't sweat it.


Wait so his grandmother is a zombie? I don't see how someone who is dead can raise a child. Also I had no idea zombies could love and feel affection towards something living with a delicious brain.

Well why on earth would he do a creepy picture in honour of his grandma. Don't sweat it, it's not your fault.

Maybe it was not creepy to the artist. Art is subjective you know.

lvl19virgin 0

Your friend was raised by that Horrifying Guest?

Same thing happened to me -____- it was really akward, and to make things worse i have the tendancy to laugh in akward situations :(

What! you're not bulimic?! You can't read minds? Yes I know it's physic, If you haven't seen Zoolander then I guess you won't get it!

Coeliacchic93 21

Do you people even know any people who are artists? Any at all? Complimenting the mood of their pictures is a MUCH better compliment than saying "Uhm... what the hell is this supposed to be?"

HaTeRzZ 0

Aw well I hope you said your sorry