Bigmouth strikes again

By Failoffel - 10/05/2009 02:05 - United States

Today, while working my job as a cashier, one of the customers to come to the register was a dwarf. As part of store policy, I had to ID him, and his driver's license said he was from Florida. So I asked, without catching myself, "How's the weather down there?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 706
You deserved it 52 724

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Auch! But that wasn't your fault at all, you couldve just continued talking about Florida, Midgets would actually prefer if people didn't make a big deal of their height!

I hope you didn't feel the urge to be like "...I meant your state, not your height!" 'cause that would not have been the smooth thing to do ;]


FrayedxD 0

haha #55 and um oh that's hilarious. seriously dude, classic stuff right there. i wonder how he reacted. out for the leprechaun mafia. -FrayedxD

jen_kay 0

lolol. niceee. I do the same thing all the time, I let things like that slip without thinking about it. Dont worry too much cause you will probably never see him again neways

Don't think it's a problem if you sincerely meant Florida. If he reacted badly, you could have clarified what you meant and sympathize with him about the jackasses that don't mean Florida.

Lydia_fml 0

ONE using the word "midget" is offensive. TWO you don't have to be hypersensitive to compensate. It's not a big deal that you said that, I'm sure he understood you weren't intending to be offensive.

ladedum 0

LOLOLOLOLOLOL haahahahahahah that sucks so bad.

don't make a big deal of it, just add "in florida" to the end. if you make a big deal it's obvious you're uncomfortable with his height.

runwest07 0

I think it would have been slightly more of an FML if he asked: "How do you like it down there?" after seeing the customer was from Florida. My guess is the customer would've been more likely to think the cashier was referring to his height, rather than his residence in Florida.

Aldrasio, about 100 people mention the weather to me, every morning, at the refinery where I work.

HAHA. Well, he probably knew what you meant.

Now I'll know yet another mistake not to make. If it says Florida, I'll just ask how's the weather down in Florida.