
By Anonymous - 24/11/2011 17:07 - United States

Today, my son told me he was afraid of monsters under his bed. When I poked my head under to show him nothing was there, the family cat sprang out and clawed me in the face. Now I have a gash on my chin, and my son refuses to go anywhere near his bed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 109
You deserved it 3 829

Same thing different taste

Top comments


That sucks, well I guess you better get comfy cause your little boy is probably gonna be sleeping in your bed for awhile! :p

saIty 17

If you really wanted to, tell him if he doesn't behave the monster will get him. It might be mean but hey, it's good parenting.... Kind of...

scoop15928 4

Wow next you'll discover that the monster in the closet is really a raccoon waiting to scratch your face up.

ncvane 5

First off, I am sorry you got attacked. That being said, this was THE FUNNIEST thing I have read in a long time! I hope you heal well.Thanks for the laugh.

You must be extremely sheltered if you find a cat attacking someone's face "the funniest thing you have read in a long time."

I fly tree-top level.. Nothing sheltered about me. And yeah, I find it ridiculously hilarious.

1badjuju 6

You couldn't stage this to happen any more is hilarious if you think about how everything played out just right. Now he is going to grow up believing whole heatedly in monsters under the bed. This story will be told for generations!

Sextonator 9

Awww, sucks for you! I hope you can find a way to settle his fear.

I bet the cat overheard the conversation and just got under that bed to undermine your authority. (yes, it's clearly late and I'm not thinking straight anymore)

You guys should be like step brothers and make bunk-beds together for more room for activities

bizarre_ftw 21

Just stop commenting. We don't like you here.

65, because you're such a bag of smashed assholes and you suck, nobody likes you either. Nikki sixx sucks!!

chels1994 11

that was just some awful timing