Better safe

By stretchy - 06/05/2013 19:58 - United States - Bethesda

Today, my boyfriend forced me to do stretching exercises with him before and after sex as a "safety precaution". FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 668
You deserved it 9 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Let me guess. He doesn't stretch but rather sits and watches YOU stretch.


always remember, safety comes first kids! =)

Songokuu9000 8

Maybe so you don't pull a muscle?

You must be having GREAT sex if you have to stretch first...

Smart boyfriend. My friends and I jokingly got in the habit of stretching before we go out drinking — it's actually a great idea. I think I'm going to have to extend my stretching regime to include pre-/post-coital stretching. Thanks for the inspiration, OP's boyfriend.

syrini 7

Pulling something can be messy.

That's cute I think. I would be annoyed but also laughing at the same time.

I really doubt that he's that good. Next time that he suggests that just say: "no, that's not necessary, I remember your last performance."

Lol, I actually laughed at this one :).

Why am i not suprised that this is someone from the US......

You shouldn't be having sex anyway if he's only your boyfriend 