By Robert Herrin - 31/10/2018 13:30

Today, being the man of the house, I decided to work on the car. Long story short, there's a towel in my transmission. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 328
You deserved it 2 265

Same thing different taste

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Hi. We men aren't genetically hardwired to know how to fix cars. So I have to ask; did you try to fix it based on the fact that you're a man? Or do you know what you're doing, and you just bungled it this time?

So did you work on the car because you’re the man of the house? Or did you know what you were doing? If you don’t know what you’re doing you shouldn’t touch the transmission except to check fluids, because it’s very complicated. (I’m a mechanic and there are some things where you need to know what you’re doing, and others where you can figure it out. Transmissions fall in the first category)


I’m thinking he thinks it’s the transmission, but it’s not? Because, to get a towel in the transmission would be a lot of work that a person who obviously shouldn’t be “working” on the car probably couldn’t do. If you’re right, and that is what happened, YDI. Don’t “work” on what you don’t know about. YouTube isn’t always the answer.

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