Basic communication

By Tim - 16/06/2009 06:15 - United States

Today, I was enjoying some much needed serenity while I ate lunch in an empty park. To my surprise, an older, clean cut man in a suit sits on the bench next to me. Without saying a word, he unleashes the most foul of farts I've ever witnessed, gets up, gives me a nod, and leaves. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 011
You deserved it 6 015

Same thing different taste


um eww. i hope you left. and didnt stay sitting there

FYL, but he is every mans hero :o

Well, yes, but that's why one must always be prepared, and carry important items, such as stinkbombs, along with phone, money, I.D., keys, matches, utility knife, etc.

blinkingstarlet 15

lolol exactly what i was thinking lmfao

You win this round sir. But we will meet again.

He was polite enough not to unleash that in a car or house. Impressive.

lmfao! that sucks lol and #5, bahahaha! good job!!! Your mother is a hampster, and your father smells of old elderberries! :P

roflitsemma 0
ajscw 0

LOL how random but also funny but keep ur doors locked

Perhaps he always farts on that bench at lunchtime, and seeing as it is now a tradition to him he saw no reason to not go and fart on his bench, just because you were enjoying your lunch there. In fact I would go as far as to say we could have designated 'Farting Sites' in public places, to minimise embarrassment when someone has to let rip!

blinkingstarlet 15

hopefully those areas would be well ventilated lol. air fresheners all around and odor-eliminating exhaust fans on top of the "room" lol! i love it