Basic communication

By Tim - 16/06/2009 06:15 - United States

Today, I was enjoying some much needed serenity while I ate lunch in an empty park. To my surprise, an older, clean cut man in a suit sits on the bench next to me. Without saying a word, he unleashes the most foul of farts I've ever witnessed, gets up, gives me a nod, and leaves. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 011
You deserved it 6 015

Same thing different taste


I thought they eliminated gas warfare in WWI. LOL

An appreciative response to your lunch, sir!

HAHAHA LOL! wow thats the funniest fml ive heard in a long time.... hm... well, he mighta been deaf

I_Love_Isms 0

#38 just made my day better.

lmao that sucks!! but its funny.. I would probably start laughing about it later

I bet it was the Six Flags man... FYL.

Antoyal 3

That gentleman is a hero. What kind of fart was it though? There are several designations, you know: there's the Fizz, the Fazz, the Fizz-Fazz, the Ripshit, the Tearass, the Snorter, and the One That Goes 'Whoosh!'

LuckyGuy159 0

That is greatness! Maybe you should think the suit and clean cut stuff is just messed up and out of place. But i love it! FYL