
By ZiggyTink - 09/07/2015 03:24 - United States - North Branch

Today, my boyfriend's brother and his fiancée decided to preach to me about how I need to read the Bible because I'm agnostic. I'd be fine, if it wasn't coming from two 19-year-olds who dated for 5 months, got pregnant, got engaged, lost the baby, and still wanna get married, "so they don't look bad." FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 867
You deserved it 2 413

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Some people are so hypocritical and have no idea of their stupidity


Religion should be like like your private parts. Private. Don't wave that shit in my face..

If anyone came up to me and told me I had to read the bible and had to believe in god, I would have told them to **** of. I don't have anything against any religion, but if anyone tries to come up to me and tell me that I'll go to hell if I don't believe, I'll always tell them to go **** themselves ^^

catanita 18

That sucks. Me personally i don't care what religion is the one next to me as long as we understand well. Everybody is free to chose and believe in whatever they want.