
By NotASportsGuy - 06/09/2015 12:46 - United States - Long Island City

Today, I started my new job. The first thing my coworkers asked me is what football team I like. When I told them I didn't really like sports, they immediately stopped talking to me and haven't since, even when I ask them work-related questions. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 778
You deserved it 2 780

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A bit childish on their part, but I think the only course of action if this becomes a serious problem that gets in the way of your work is talk to HR or your boss. Sorry, OP.

Talk about being bad sports.. Your coworkers are seriously immature.


Tsukiyomi 16

I don't blame you. I don't like football either . So when you ask you something kicking them in the balls and say "sorry I though that was a good enough punt"

I feel your pain, OP. I'm not into sports much myself, and the ones that I DO enjoy, seemingly aren't the "right" ones.

Stay professional and focus on what you gotta do :) nevermind them, already you can see that they're too immature and you've only just met them.

You're not alone -- I ignore professional sports myself. It's a political statement and has saved me butt loads of money in this life time. My problem? I'm going to spend an entire lifetime trying to make / save / retire on what these dimwits make in a year. I can't support their work considering I work harder (IMHO).

danimal_crackerz 26

I mean, you can say you don't like football you love it even tho it's a tad latr

Here you can observe one of the basic rules of our American society. The more someone is obsessed with sports, the less intelligence, logic, and critical thinking power they posses.

join the 21st century and follow sports? lmao this all on you