Bad women's anatomy

By Anonymous - 03/05/2015 05:37 - Australia - Brisbane

Today, I had to explain to my boyfriend that me switching to "super" sized tampons does not mean I've been having sex with other men with bigger penises, and that my vagina hasn't been "stretched bigger". FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 297
You deserved it 3 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Oh, tampons... The ultimate mystery for men.

Ask him what his excuse for using extra small condoms is.


And that they believe vaginas stretch out the more sex you have. They stay pretty much the same size. Whether someone has a "tight pussy" depends on the person. They come in all shapes and sizes. :)

RedPillSucks 31

He's an idiot. obviously the "super" means you've been having sex with Superman. Go ahead on, Lois "Laid"

But, I thought that's why women used tampons!! You mean I broke up with all those women for NOTHING ?!?

If it's one thing guys don't understand, it's periods. And if he's not mature enough to hear you out and talk about it then leave him. Xo

Not sure why other men have such a hard time of it. To me, there's nothing mysterious about periods.

praesidiem 16

@#53. "I'm going to shove this into my natural-born, monthly bleeding, bullet hole!" -first women to use a tampon as a tampon

cheshireau 26

I was accused of masterbating with a tampon by my first boyfriend and told me it was cheating. Uh no, just plugging a heavy flow.

CountedTo10 9

I remember a guy said that to me once, he told me that he knew the only reason women used tampons was so that they could get off while on their period. I think I just stared at him dumbfounded, It was one of the stupidest things I have heard someone say.

#24 here it seems my /s got split into another line but I thought it would be sufficient to clearly indicate the sarcasm of the comment...evidently not, my bad folks

It's not that hard to understand, they're just undereducated.

It's not your fault you have a wide ****** and heavy flow