Bad start

By Anonymous - 20/11/2010 00:49 - United States

Today, I was running the track at my school. My crush of two years was running in front of me, so I decided to catch up and finally talk to her. When I caught up, the only thing I could think to say was, "What's your name?" even though I already knew. She replied, "Natalie". Her name is Melissa. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 236
You deserved it 7 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

shadyecko 0

Natalie, Melissa, pretty much the same thing if you ask me. It's either that or she has alter egos.

Queen_of_Night 20

You've have a crush on a girl for 2 years who you obviously have never spoken to because you knew her name but she had so little knowledge of you that she gave you a fake name. I have 2 words for you that I think will be in your near future, Restraining Order


don't be sad about this, you wouldn't want to be with someone this self-involved.

matthewianflores 0

wait wait wait, maybe she was " role playing " w you WTF

archphantom 0

hey bro that's sad but maybe she just has two names which is what happened in my case.

emily_strang_106 0

dont worry about it you'll find someyou better

ajsciri4 0

how is it you have a crush on her for two years and haven't talked to her enough to be on a basis with her where you have asked her name already

Well... It's possible that: 1) you got her name wrong and it really is Natalie. 2) she could go by both; one could be a nickname or a middle name that friends call her by rather than her real one (and don't say that's ridiculous just because they're two very different names. I personally get called by a few different names, including Isabella and Guinevere). 3) she knows you know her name and decided to answer your stupid question sarcastically/ jokingly, without intending to actually lie to you about it to get rid of you. Of course, that last bit is also possible, but I'm trying to be positive here :)