Bad boy

By Noname - 17/03/2009 14:42 - United States

Today, I was flirting with a really hot guy at a track meet and I gave him my number. When I asked him what school he went to he replied, "Oh, I don't go to school, We're from the juvenile corrections facility." FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 221
You deserved it 24 547

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So? Don't they deserve love?! Don't they deserve a second chance?!

AlexJakubsen1 0

hey, don't you chicks like convicts? ever seen step up? don't be a snobby bitch


okay, so if i told my mom that i had talked to a juvenile criminal, she'd order several drug tests and an HIV test aswell. yeah. but i mean, he doesn't sound THAT BAD. after all, he's upfront about the whole "i'm a criminal my life is screwed" thing. he's not lying. big first step. ask him what he did to get into prison. imean, if he's being that upfront, you might as well be upfront yourself.

member0987654321 0

daaaayum that sucks. either hope he was joking or change your number

mylifeisnotfuckd 0

haha, what does this say about the girl who the juvenile guy was talking to? hehe

danceparty 0

no way! I was at a meet this weekend and camp kilpatrick (from gridiron gang) was there. Some of them are pretty cool guys

superson_fml 0

good! That means he's a badass too

koukei 0

the hot ones always r the bad boys.

So what, get over it. I probably would have been like your boy had I of not been a better runner than him (obviously because they only caught up to me once). Now I'm graduating honors from a University and a college athlete. Boys are young ,dumb, and full of.... bad ideas. Having a little bit of faith in them may make the difference between dropping crime or helpless criminal recidivism.