Assholes, assholes everywhere

By badmombadkids - 24/05/2020 02:00

Today, my nephews decided to play with and break the antique hourglass I bought for my mom. It took months to find and cost nearly $500. When I told my sister, she refused to repay me and responded with, "What do you expect, they’re just little boys!" Her "little boys" are 12 and 14. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 546
You deserved it 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Boyufd 24

never invite her over or watch her sons ever again

tounces7 27

Her excusing their behavior is why they act the way they do. The rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Expect to see them behind bars when they get older, they clearly are being taught they can do whatever they want without consequences.


Nhayaa 21

I hate it so much when people use this excuse. No, they're not little boys, you're a shitty parent, there's a difference.

Time to take her ass to small claims court

I hope you sued, and banned her and her sons from your home.