
By lprocter1982 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I got shot at. Not by police, but by a hunter. While at work. Driving a garbage truck. How the hell a hunter mistook an orange-clad garbageman in a truck for a deer is beyond me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 119
You deserved it 3 016

Top comments

"There's a rare orange buck driving that garbage truck! Tricky bastard's got a good costume..."

The hell?!? Were you driving through the woods??


That's a redneck for ya...Here's your sign.

maybe he wasnt hunting animals maybe he was hunting humans.

adam218 0

Oh well you know those rednecks .... They are stupid

He knew you weren't deer He hates your guts for some reason.

You were probably behind his target. This illustrates why a responsible gun user always knows his target and what's behind it. Either that, or it was attempted murder. Got many enemies?

Maybe he misfired? Idk how someone would mistake a person in a vehicle for a deer though. 'Well I'm pretty sure deer don't drive but I'll take a chance and see.'