
By lprocter1982 - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I got shot at. Not by police, but by a hunter. While at work. Driving a garbage truck. How the hell a hunter mistook an orange-clad garbageman in a truck for a deer is beyond me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 119
You deserved it 3 016

Top comments

"There's a rare orange buck driving that garbage truck! Tricky bastard's got a good costume..."

The hell?!? Were you driving through the woods??


hateevryone 14

stupid people should not be allowed to hunt.

MerrikBarbarian 9

This is why I hate tourist hunters. I can't enjoy hiking when they are around because they can't shoot worth a damn. Hunters shooting at op need to go back to hunter safety and learn what a backstop is.

kingatowning 2

Must've watched that chuck testa commercial....

It's what you get for scaring his deer off. I woulda done the same.

MissBBGoodGirl 0

Maybe he was aiming for an actual deer on the other side of your truck? lol

guitargoddess89 3

I like how you say "not by police" as if they go around shooting random people. Thanks -_-

KiddNYC1O 20

I was going to try and be smart and make a Dick Cheney comment. It was actually smart (in the sense that it's obvious like how making sure you're not going to be hit by a car before you cross the street is smart). In fact, I had thought of the comment all by myself without any help before I checked and found out five people beat me to it. That's got to be sad when the thing you're remembered for as Vice-President is accidentally shooting someone.

It was Halloween. God knows what costumes those sneaky bastards get into. Shoot first and look for antlers afterwards, that's my motto.

SalsaShark 2
khat31 2