
By confusing - 06/06/2014 19:00 - Zimbabwe

Today, my students turned in their male figure artwork. One absolute idiot had the smart idea of drawing me and the TA as some kind of gay lovers. I was torn between disgust at the explicitness, anger at the disrespect, and yet awe at how well-drawn it was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 099
You deserved it 6 860

Same thing different taste

Top comments


As my father once told me: "Son, I appreciate all artwork, though I don't always agree with it."

Guess you could say it was a hard decision;)


Sathane 21

I hope he got a great mark for creating great artwork.

Kuro_Kamen 12

I kinda wanna see this pick the student drew now.

I don't really understand why you're offended, but okay

kingdomgirl94 29

Probably because they're being sexualized without consent and depicted in an illegal (because OP is the TA's boss) relationship by the student who is not supposed to be thinking about the teacher as a sexual being, as they are expected to have a professional, not personal relationship And the student should respect that.

Roflmao xD You keep working out those emotions OP. I really want to see the picture though...

PearceIsFallen 6

Yaoi? You can't get pissed at the kid for that! It's amazing!

The realization of being ****** in the ass and liking it.