Are you OK?

By unicorn - 12/06/2009 16:49 - United States

Today, I went on a date with my boyfriend. Suddenly he starts speaking gibberish. I ask what's wrong? He says, "I was just talking to my unicorn. He says you're pretty," and winks at me. What have we learned today? The person I like is a freak, and apparently unicorns are real. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 748
You deserved it 13 272

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jorvid 0

First of all unicorns is real, and you should be grateful that the unicorn even thought you were worthy of a compliment, you ****!

What's wrong with having imaginary friends that you talk to?


digapygmy 0

Today, I was out with the girl I liked and my unicorn. He gives her a really nice compliment and she freaks out at us! I don't know what we did wrong. FML.

fyl for him being a crazy retard but ydi cuz how could you not notice that while you were talking to him???

Nonmi 0

LOL At least you got a compliment out of it.

Sounds like he was just trying to do something cute and you got really mean about it

P1MP1N 0

maybe he was on shrooms. psychadelics **** you up like that

At least you could hook up with the unicorn if the guy is a dud.