Anything is food if you're brave enough

By sarahfromthesouth - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, while in line at the waterpark, I looked down to see my 3 year-old daughter chewing on a used Band-Aid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 133
You deserved it 7 678

Top comments

I like how kids are picky about what vegetables they'll eat, but they'll eat things like used band-aids and bugs.

ohJeeznotme 7

She is THREE. Your job as her parent is to PAY ATTENTION to her and ensure things like this don't happen.


hahahah! eewww! your kid is messed up o_O

Mixmziebell 0

WTF how come u didn't tell not to eat stuff off the ground

catalinalynne 0

lmao. the dirtier, the better?(:

ew. op: were you watching her, or what?! it would suck if that band aid was on someone's lip. *herpes*.

She is stuck on band aid brand cause band aids stuck on her tongue.

SourCandyyz 0

Ewwwwww. not only is the gross, but that's also pretty dangerous... mostly gross though

Q: What's the difference between scabs and broccoli? A: Kids won't eat broccoli.