And you are…?

By Pho_Rheal - 25/09/2009 00:11 - United States

Today, I got a phone call for a interview at Target at 4:30 pm. I got super excited, so I got dressed up and headed over there. I told the manager that I was there for my interview. He didn't know what I was talking about. My friends had prank called me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 964
You deserved it 3 562

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ouch.. well, you could try asking him to interview you anyway, since youre all dressed up and everything. Then kill your friends.

I work at Target. What you experienced is called a "miracle." Take it and run.


beaniebabe 0

oooooooh an interveiw at target!!! how will you live without that job??

I don't know what's more tragic, that you were excited over an interview at Target, or that your friend is an ass.

I would have replied with a snide remark, but this was put so simply and effectively, I feel I would be robbing the moment. Excellently put, kind sir.

do the people who are making fun of the op for being excited about an interview at target realize that they may be a teenager? by the use of the phrase "super excited" and their user name i'm willing to bet they're under 18 and can't get a much better job. morons.

2345_fml 0

What I like is that everyone is talking crap to that Econ major who considered the crossing guard job. They didnt like how he thought he was too good for a job and now they hate on this girl for actually appreciating a job offer. You can never make people happy these days.

Or the girl who made the FML about recently graduating from law school and having to put an application in at Walmart. Everyone gave her crap about thinking she's too good for that job.

your friends are ******* funny! you should totally get them back with something much more ****** up have some body they don't know call them for you and inform them that their father/mother has been in a car accident and they need them to go down there immediately LMfao, that'll show'em who to **** with

jlaforg 0

I had something like this happen to me before.....problem was i got all dressed up and had a resume and stuff ready for a job only to find that they mistakenly contacted me and wanted to call and say "Don't come" before i showed up for the interview I thought I had. I probably should have posted this story on the site instead of a comment

I'm not sure what is more of an FYL, that your friends did that to you, or that you were "Super excited" about an interview for Target.

lyfesukz 0

" Today, i was super excited for a job interview at target! FML"

dangletsbang21 0

hahah, that's embarrasing. but it's all in fun I'm sure :) so just get them backk, they deffff deserve it haha

martic835 2

LMFAO!!! My sister did something like that to me by waking me up out of my sleep saying my old job called me because they had a leftover paycheck in my name. I flew out of bed, hopped on the phone, and was met by this witch I used to work for who sneered through the phone at me saying, "we don't have no damn check for you!" Ugh.