Admission time

By peeoncarl1111 - 29/01/2011 01:06 - United States

Today, I got my wisdom teeth cut out. While my girlfriend was driving me home, I, still being high on the laughing gas, accidentally admitted to cheating on her. She was kind enough to wait until the numbness wore off before she punched me in the face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 483
You deserved it 120 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kcnutt10 1

**** YOUR life? No. YDI. You ******* douche! This may come as a shock to you, but women have feelings too. If you love or want to be with someone else, then just break-up with your girlfriend. It's that simple. Yea, it may cause her pain from the break-up, but not near as much pain if she realized you cheated on her. It's douche bags like you that make it hard for the few good men out there who actually respect women. Eat shit! I hope she dumped your sorry, pathetic ass.


I got my wisdom teeth out a month ago and I didn't feel like talking at all. yeah I felt funny and passed out on the way home but I only felt high for the amount of time I was in the recovery room. You definately deserved it.

0D0R0 4

Even though you cheated on her she is of course not allowed to hurt you. You should press charges against your violent, abusive (ex-)girlfriend! That ... has some massive issues.

Your picture is amazing and I agree with your comment.

douche bag. I feel sorry for your girlfriend.

I wouldn't say cheat...I'd say that they try to keep it interesting for themselves and they have poor communication between the two of them.

But you have to admit, that was pretty smart for the girlfriend to wait until he got better.

Actually, she waited until the drugs causing the numbness wore off before she hit him.

Lmao calm down this is over the internet loll we dont even know if this story is real jeez!