Accidents will happen

By Anonymous - 27/04/2009 05:58 - United States

Today, at work, I managed to hit myself in the face with a large sheet pan. The force made me back into a shelf, which knocked a box off the top, which hit me in the head and knocked me out-cold. I now have a fat lip, a sore head, and bruises all over from the fall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 007
You deserved it 9 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha, that sounds like something out of Tom and Jerry. That's gotta suck.

Brittaneyyy 0

it's something u bake on and that really is a fyl but how on earth can hit itself that hard


pandanda 3

atleast you didn't get in trouble or worse, fired!

XOTilWeOverdose_fml 5

"what happened to you?" "i fell." Lmao>.

Sounds like something out of a cartoon