Accidents will happen

By Anonymous - 27/04/2009 05:58 - United States

Today, at work, I managed to hit myself in the face with a large sheet pan. The force made me back into a shelf, which knocked a box off the top, which hit me in the head and knocked me out-cold. I now have a fat lip, a sore head, and bruises all over from the fall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 006
You deserved it 9 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haha, that sounds like something out of Tom and Jerry. That's gotta suck.

Brittaneyyy 0

it's something u bake on and that really is a fyl but how on earth can hit itself that hard


h011ist3rguy 0

Just tell everyone you got in a fight. You should've saw the other guy.

poolshark 0

At least the sheet pan didn't just come out of the oven? Second degree burns would have been the icing on the cake...

alwaysalady 0

Yeah. Shit like that happens. Once, I was carrying a 30 pound tray of chicken, tripped on a broken tile, sent the chicken flying across the floor and caught putting my hand on the hot grill. I feel for you.

#12 I was just thinking that; once I moved a pan of brownies not knowing my mom had taken out them out of the oven five minutes before. I burned my fingerprints off and suffice to say, it hurt like all hell. OP if it makes you feel better, I had a friend that ran into a wall full on because she forgot to turn. And it's on video. Hope you get well soon!

How did you hit yourself in the head with a sheet pan?

trying to pull it down from the cabinet dumbsheet. hehe. puns are fun. btw, op, I'm very sorry. get well soon. u get an e-hug. <('_'<)

I'm wondering how exactly you managed to hit yourself with a sheet pan...

Two words... Workmans Comp! Lucky bastard, you just got rich and didn't even know it!

Were you in a Three Stooges short? Too bad you didn't get it on tape- that would be an instant YouTube classic.

some1hones 0

yeah.. Karma is a bitch and you are an idiot my friend

squeaksx24 0

Oh no! Hope you feel better! .. Honestly, who clicked "you deserve it"? Thats ridiculous.