A different kind of wind

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - Reserved

Today, I caught my husband farting on my wind-chime in an attempt to make it ring. It did. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 348
You deserved it 4 933

Top comments

Madiluvsyuh98 2
katiebearr10 0


Umm, why? I think of this as one of the biggest accomplishments to make! fyourlife for not seeing the wonderful talent this man posseses! OP, this man is definitely a keeper, you should both have a contest to see who can make the loudest chimes with your farts.. now that is true love :')

saIty 17

Gotta give him major props for those bowels. Tell him to hit me up, we can make a group called the "NinjaFarts".

i thonk you should doo the same to the remote

achievemen unloced 50Gchimulance-make wind chimes ring with only flatulence

Well, it's sometimes called breaking wind...

When boredom strikes...you fart in a wind-chime.

He farted hard enough through his pants and the force had enough to still move the wind chime?

This is a very good point. That thought didn't even cross my mind.

Merylwen 24

It isn't? So what you're saying is that any guy with a juvenile sense of humour should never get married? I have news for you, princess- EVERY guy's sense of humour is juvenile.