By I can't stand leg puns - 08/08/2018 02:30 - United Kingdom - Feltham

Today, I was called back about my job interview. I was told that due to my restricted mobility from my prosthetic leg, they don't think I'll be able to do the job. It's a desk job on the ground floor of the building. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 168
You deserved it 123

Top comments

$10 says the interviewers kid is the one that asked to try on your leg a while back.

Take them to court. They wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.


I suggest that you go back and beat that interviewer over the head with your prosthetic leg to convince him otherwise....

Take them to court. They wouldn’t have a leg to stand on.

as she was told with her last FML just over a week ago - you post on here, you'll get puns whether you like it or not. 😊😊

Ticonderogapencils 15

I guess you don't realize that their name is a leg pun.

$10 says the interviewers kid is the one that asked to try on your leg a while back.

You ought to sue them for discrimination. Your case is very strong, so it will cost them alarm and an egg, uh, or something like that.

And here we see auto correct making yet another FML.

Wait scratch that, more like me being illiterate is the FML.

I know you’re from Jolly Ol’ England, but I still think you have a great case for a discrimination lawsuit

Mungolikecandy 19

That would potentially fall under the discrimination laws of the U.K.

You know that's SOOOOOO illegal, right? it's almost like they're inviting a lawsuit. Go for it!