Happy New Year!

By anon - This FML is from back in 2016 but it's good stuff - Australia - Glenfield

Today, my boyfriend was so drunk at a New Year's party that he approached me and asked me who I was. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 473
You deserved it 2 024

Top comments

I'm sure he just used that as an excuse to cover the fact that he's actually a robot whose internal clock got reset at the beginning of 2016. "Oh, yes, human babe, I was so much drunk last night."

Might have taken the phrase "New year, new you" too literally


He should not drink that much, it might damage him. Tho, be glad he approached you ;)

Someone spray painted his beer goggles!

...so now he's blind and can't tell who she is. That's the joke. :P

Wow, hope it's not a drinking problem OP..

mariri9206 32

Why does it have to mean a drinking problem? Typically, one gets drunk at a NYE/NY party, esp. if you're younger, which it seems they are if they're just bf/gf.

You should have turned it into a fun roleplay opportunity.

funny, but that just sounds like a fight waiting to happen...

I was just going to say that. You get the fun of roleplay, he thinks he's having a fling, and then comes the real fun the next day when he figures out he cheated on you with you!

juliebrn 3

Well, what a great start for 2016. Sorry OP, I hope he got better.

I'm sure he just used that as an excuse to cover the fact that he's actually a robot whose internal clock got reset at the beginning of 2016. "Oh, yes, human babe, I was so much drunk last night."

I wish I could like this comment more than once, I laughed way too hard at this

**** his life for being THAT drunk.

It'll all blow over. He may have enjoyed himself a bit too much, but I would not worry about anything of such. Good luck OP.

RedPillSucks 31

so, he was trying to cheat on you... with you