By behold the Underminer - 14/08/2018 13:00

Today, the water company found that a water main has been leaking steadily possibly for decades and has turned the land my house is built on into an underground bog. Cracks have been appearing in my walls for a while, apparently because my house is slowly sinking into it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 750
You deserved it 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Welp... time for a new house, paid for by the city.

DMA 11

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Wait for your house to sink and use it as a foundation for a new house. Bam! Prebuilt basement!


Welp... time for a new house, paid for by the city.

tounces7 27

That would be fair, yes. But experience tells me that they'll fight tooth and nail not to pay so much as a dime.

DMA 11

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Wait for your house to sink and use it as a foundation for a new house. Bam! Prebuilt basement!

Cool, an underground house, cool! Oh, wait, they’re more problems than they’re worth...

Homeowners always have that sinking feeling. Now you know why.

Wow that really sucks file a report with local officials and you'll probably going to need a lawyer,but don't let them tell you the land is fixable either it's not you'll need to move, it'll take decades for the land to dry and than settle again, there's a 50/50 chance you're sitting on top of a sinkhole and not a bog, I live in a area where there's alot of underground springs or old mines this happens alot so move where there's bedrock under house 🤔☺️

JillianJuneBug 39

The username for his is freaking brilliant, though

I would have gone with "LastDescendantOfUsher" but I favor the classics.

Now you know why your grass was so green no matter the drought

Quick, attach a few hundred balloons to the roof, a la Up, and your house will immediately reverse direction!

Ooo, I hope you have homeowner's insurance.