YouTubers must be stopped

By TuT - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - France

Today, I found my husband in the bathtub, which was filled with blood-red water, motionless and staring blankly at the ceiling. I started screaming and crying, and he burst into laughter at his "hilarious" prank. He only seemed regretful that his video camera hadn't been recording properly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 579
You deserved it 4 288

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SarahSehhati 40

I would take a picture of him in the tub put it on Facebook and post: Someone started their period....


I'm actually tempted to do this to my husband, I'll make sure to have my camara rolling lol

acerredrum 23

Wow, that is completely horrible. I can't imagine ever doing something like that to someone I'm suppose to love.

just_a_thought 6

This fml actually makes me feel sick...Waking up in five in the morning to find your father lying in a pool of his blood on the kitchen floor is horrifying....This happened nearly a year ago, thankfully he's alive.

Brianna_Ray 23

Your comment made me really sad. I'm really glad your dad is okay!

This is the most horrible and cruel prank someone can think of. I lost someone close to suicide, thankfully, I was not the one who found her, but I will always remember the absolute feeling of devastation and horror when I was told. Her partner found her and I can still remember the look on his face even days afters. This is the worst feeling in the world.

YDI for having weak minded people as friends.

Go **** yourself dabomb0513, you ignorant moron.

Awesome prank!!! I'm gonna try it one day ;)

Gh0st81 5

people get a sense of humor or some thicker skin it was just a prank relax.

That wasn't a prank, that was completely ****** up.

#44: There's nothing funny about suicide.

What a douchebag. I would be so beyond pissed off. That jerk would be on trouble for weeks. It's just not cool to make someone panic, especially with making them think you're dead.

Garnetshaddow 30

Make sure the video camera records properly when you exact your revenge?

What I don't get is it isn't hard to tell real blood in water to fake blood also if you have any medical experience it isn't hard to check someone's pulse. So screaming and panicking doesn't really get you any where

That's pretty good! He should probably say sorry at least lol.