You were warned

By kko - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, a man next to me was feeding the birds when he ran out of food. We were at Adventure Island and there were "Do not feed the birds" signs everywhere. The birds then became aggressive and started savaging the both of us. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 663
You deserved it 4 879

Same thing different taste


ChelseaRaeS 7

how can he feed the birds if he ran out of food..?

Oh wow...Please tell me you just said that for a laugh...

Was it just a grammar error or something? It kind of reads a bit odd.

well how do you think he ran outta food??

BooGhosted 0

Nope! He ated it all up himself! So the birds tried to get it outta him, poor birdies:(

That man is quite the rebel. You just got jumped by a flock of birds...I didn't even know that was possible.

Ever seen 'Birds' by Alfred Hitchcock? ;) In other random tidbits, here is a quote by the man himself: Blondes make the best victims. They're like virgin snow that shows up the bloody footprints.

31- My teacher showed my class clips of that movie on YouTube. And I'm in grade 6. Scared the hell out of me. Plus when I walked home that day a huge flock of these (I think) crows flew by and screeched really loudly. The next my teacher showed my class a documentary of how crows remember your face. And they're super smart. Yeah creepy movie.

Was he feeding them rocks of crack making them like little Charlie Sheen birds?

if people would just read and follow instructions/directions this world would be much simpler

ipwnallmen 10

That's why there are signs to warn you about this situation...

Reason #365 why I don't like birds: they're mean little bastards.

sourgirl101 28

I've thrown bread crumbles on my friends tanning at the beach? That shit is funny!!! It's like a Hitchcock movie! And Adventure Island is awesome!