You've got a friend

By no one - 21/05/2011 09:07 - United States

Today, I woke up to a mosquito feeding on my morning wood; probably the only thing that will ever suck my penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 625
You deserved it 11 399

Same thing different taste

Top comments

goldered 2

Stop bragging on fml. It's inconsiderate of other people who get no action.


This is the first time I've seen someone go from a total thumbs down to a steady thumbs up lol good job Kevin

you know guys that most of these comments will be gone by the end of the day due to the moderation process and lack of relevance to OPs situation? hope not tho, still made for a good read

Belkins4596 1

Why were you sleeping naked in the first place noob

varkey 7

this is why you wear clothes to bed. that's ******* nasty

joa76 3

How is sleeping naked nasty? Do you have any idea how many people do that, either on a regular basis or just after having sex? And it's really no worse than having sex--at least when you're sleeping, there aren't NORMALLY bodily fluids to worry about getting anyplace.

You have to consider comfort levels before assuming it's not nasty. Sex is one thing, and being naked on a daily basis is another. There is a time and a place for everything. People give very clear queues when it comes to seeing other people naked whether it's positive of negative. Even people looking at themselves. Respect is also a factor to think about. Body "fumes" per se do come out being naked. That's why we wear underwear and clothes.

Trevormg1 4

do you sleep naked, with no blankets?

OneNightStan 2