You tried

By Anonymous - 09/12/2011 07:56 - Australia

Today, I was set up on a blind date. When I arrived, the person waiting for me was a woman. It appears that my friends have always thought I was a lesbian, and that they 'played along' when I talked about guys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 307
You deserved it 3 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jpoole 4

How's pretty cruel that that is the way they decided to tell you...


That's awesome. Maybe if you're having trouble with guys you should just give it a shot :)

So do you look like the typical butch lez? Cause I've never seen two hot ones ever.... Except in **** which doesn't count.

Come on, butch girls can be hot too. -_- I'm a lipstick(maybe chapstick) lesbian myself, and some butches are indeed unattractive, but some are really gorgeous.

Set them up too and make sure it's a pedo or a rapist. That'll teach them to do that to you!

NullPointer 20

That's pretty messed up... people need to be more open minded. Do you know how you know if someone is straight or gay? It isn't from their voice, or what they drink, or how they dress, of the words they use, or the tv shows they like. It's from their sexual preference. You shouldn't assume that your friend is gay just because they fit into your stereotypical gay criteria.

15rosES_fml 0

Some friends:/ I would be so mad at them.

Well, play along with this idea of being a lesbian.

briannajm 9

Hahaha ummm yeah, you may want to do some soul searching their . If they were that convinced you were into girls then you may be sending out a gay vibe .

annwriter 0

Those aren't friends... You need people who respect you!!!