You're back!

By Anonymous - 05/04/2011 00:17 - Ireland

Today, I heard that one of our customers had passed away. Saddened, I told everyone who came into our shop about his death. Understandably, some customers got very upset and one even fainted. Suddenly, the "dead" man walked into the shop. Turns out I got the name wrong. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 187
You deserved it 42 214

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why would you tell every customer about another customer's death?

I do feel bad for your blunder, but I have to say YDI. I can understand somebody telling their friends that another friend or family member has died, but not customers at a store. Did you not stop to think his family might not want you telling every person who walks into the shop that he died?


Easyaccess 0

Try shutting your trap next time... just sayin'.

I wonder if OP is Inspecter Cluseau's daughter

bigmanj28 0

you should have yelled "It's alive!!!!!"

Dizz3499 0

Serves you right for pissing about someone dying...

FINALLY!!!!!!!!! Someone else from Ireland. YAY!!!!

ttnova 0

Why would you go around telling others about the death of one of your customers? I understand that you are upset about it, but there is no need to share the news with others. I think it is quite selfish on your part since you probably ruined other people's days (ex. making them remember about a loved one who passed away), and it is not like the customer was your friend or something, right? I doubt it considering how you referred him as a "man" and "customer". Learn to be professional and separate personal matters/feelings with what you are suppose to do at your job.

natsandyou 0

why would you tell people??!!??

readthisnuloveme 0