You never know

By lolwut - 11/09/2014 06:33 - United States - Albany

Today, I saw my teacher using her phone in the middle of class, so to joke around with her, seeing as we're on pretty good terms, I said: "Using your phone in class? For shame." She looks me in the eyes and says, "Would it be ok if I told you I'm arranging my father's funeral?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 631
You deserved it 18 470

Same thing different taste

Top comments

schhichick 14

I feel so bad for your teacher! what a terrible thing to happen! On that note she should not bring it into the classroom. She should take a few days off to plan and mourn if needed. You were just trying to joke around but now I guess you know! It is just an all a round bad situation.

Everyday_Galaxy 14

There is no way you could have known that.


Terrible thing for her, but there's a time and a place for everything--and the middle of class is not that time. FYL, OP.

Why would she be doing that in class. She's supposed to be teaching.

Tawnkat 13

Still not okay to have a cell in class. They act like teens don't also have personal problems and family issues to deal with as well, only they have to deal with it when adults deem 'acceptable'. It is only fair to respect them and follow their own rules. That sets a good example and encourages trust.

jaxtim75 5

Karma is gonna kick you in the nuts but good....

outcast79 0

I had a similar but opposite exp. in college. I told my Professor I was going to my nephew's funeral and miss 2 classes. Suicide. He didn't believe me and demanded proof. I showed him the churches pamphlet but never got an apology, condolence, or anything. A$$ hole.

That's awful! You couldn't have known though, I would never guess that someone was organising a funeral on their phone while teaching. Just be extra nice to her now

skittyskatbrat 19

I teach, and the phone is OFF during class. If she really needs to do something like this, she should have called for someone to cover her class for a few minutes. When my father went to the ER by ambulance for chest pains, my family did not call my phone...I was teaching! Instead, they called the school office, who sent someone to my room to take over the class so I could call them on my phone in private. It may have been her father's funeral, but it was very unprofessional of her to have the phone out in class anyways. FYL, because I am all for calling teachers on it when they pull crap like that. Yeah, it's sad it was a funeral...but she was being paid to TEACH and that's what she should have been doing.

Sorry OP but i think your a ******* asshole to post that you made your teacher have to tell you that her father had died. And besides its her classroom, she can have her phone out all she wants.

He didn't really "make her" tell him that. She could've easily just said "it's something important" or "it's none of your business". In no way did she have to tell him that she was arranging a funeral. It was just an unfortunate mistake on OP's part and, quite clearly, he wasn't genuinely trying to tell her off.